Tag: global

Global temporary tables

-- Global temporary table which keeps records till session create global temporary table temp1( year number ) on commit preserve rows; SQL> insert into temp1 values ( 11 ); 1 row created. SQL> select * from temp1; YEAR ---------- 11 -- reconnect to session and check records SQL> connect /as sysdba Connected. SQL> select * … Continue reading Global temporary tables

Global Statistics vs. Histograms with DBMS_STATS Package

The following article explains global statistics versus histogram with DBMS_STATS http://www.akadia.com/services/ora_gather_statistics.html

Global_names and global_name in Oracle

http://arjudba.blogspot.com/2008/05/globalnames-and-globalname-in-oracle.html To view and change global_name 22:53:34 system@TESTPRD> select * FROM global_name; GLOBAL_NAME ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TESTPRD.WORLD 22:53:43 system@TESTPRD> ALTER DATABASE RENAME GLOBAL_NAME TO TESTDV.WORLD; 22:54:22 system@ALOCPRD> select * FROM global_name; GLOBAL_NAME ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TESTDV.WORLD