Tag: setup

How to set vim/gvim on windows?

Using the following steps one can setup vim/gvim to run on windows. 1) Add the following new variable VIM on your system. Example: VIM=C:\apps\vim\vim73 (Where C:\apps\vim\vim73 is where vim/gvim is installed) 2) Copy the file %VIM%\vimrc_example.vim as _vimrc in %VIM% folder 3) Add the following 2 lines at the end in %VIM%\_vimrc so it sets … Continue reading How to set vim/gvim on windows?

How to setup Database Mail on SQL Server 2005?

In SQLSever 2005 msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail is the new way of sending email and it replaces xp_sendmail. Below are the steps how to setup Database Mail to use msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail. -- To check if "Database Mail XPs" option is turned ON use master go sp_configure 'show advanced options',1 go reconfigure go sp_configure 'Database Mail XPs' go sp_configure 'show … Continue reading How to setup Database Mail on SQL Server 2005?